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An Epic Moment in History 4-20-19

Frank D. Lovell

I know I’m not alone when I say we are living through an epic historical moment. We are living through the attempt of others to overthrow the very foundation of America, an elected President. It’s a coup for sure but much deeper. Their plan is to take over not a government but a country, that my friends is much more serious.

Personally I feel the object is to totally eliminate the world’s beacon of light for all that is good. With America destroyed all countries will follow suit. Some would call that a “One World Government” (OWG). I have been aware of them for a long time. But I never thought I would feel them in action and so close to success. I know what they want but never thought I would see the makings of their exposure. Obviously they ran out of patience and couldn’t wait to control the world, guess the money wasn’t enough for them. Surely the fastest way is to take down America, with America gone you have your OWG, there is no more opposition. Ok we kinda know what has been going on and overlooked a lot, just typical government, but now it has gone too far. America will not allow that to happen, we will incessantly pursue the truth and expose all the ugly facts for the American people to see so they can make a logical, informed decision. We will utilize all the functions of government to protect our rights and freedoms, to bring those to justice. The looming question is how deep do we dig? Do we want to eliminate the threat to America, or the World? I can only wonder how deep these roots go and in what direction.

You know the saying “just dig deeper if you want the truth”, well we finally began digging and are finding evidence of an attempt to overthrow a duly elected President, and beyond doubt we know this. Now it’s a matter of fully disclosing it to reveal the factual evidence for the American people to see. America is now fighting back and let’s not forget how America fights, we don’t lose. That spirit is there; those Founding Fathers created and gave us a gift of freedom. A gift that people would rule a government “of the people, for the people” government doesn’t rule us, it serves us. It doesn’t create intrusive, oppressive laws to limit and control of basic freedoms. We the people are in control of our freedoms, a concept some have forgotten.

Now because of Democrats and our own neglect we have those invading our border. I understand they see the beacon of light, all their lives they have heard of America and they want it. But America doesn’t work that way, we have laws and order and processes that all respect, that is America. You don’t disrespect others and jump to the front of the line that is not American. You don’t disrespect all those Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice to assure our freedoms and liberties remain intact. The Left sees votes; we see danger and a threat to our very existence. Shame on them for allowing this and shame on us for idly standing by when we had two years to correct it and failed to honor our oath of office to protect America and its people. We are all to blame for the condition of America today yet are human and prone to making mistakes. The question is do we now have the will, integrity and love of country to correct it. I see armed Americans on the border encountering illegals and holding them for legal authorities. Thank you Founding Fathers for that 2nd Amendment. And we honor you by exercising it as you intended, in a legal responsible manner to protect our freedoms. That my friends are America, we watch out for each other.

I feel once everything is exposed and proven to the people there will be an overwhelming swell of that American spirit. One Founding Father even wrote about changing government every 20 years I believe. Well we are not changing government we are taking it back. Don’t know why they keep trying to take things from people. In the younger days they tried to split America because they wanted free labor, but we said that was cruel and immoral, like “all men have the right to be free”. Well you saw what happened to them and by the way they were Democrats. Well they are at it again, thought they would have learned by now.

They must have the intelligence to realize their precious party is now doomed once exposed to the American people for them to see and hear of what they did. They will forever be the minority party if they even survive that much. Just dawned on me Conservatives must have been put here to conserve America. Don’t recall that in the writings of the Founding Fathers. Tuckers interview with John Gentry (CIA) was so exposing and necessary for people to hear, that’s what we are fighting against. It’s frightening to know the Left now has control of our intelligence community for the past 20 years. We know the enemy, as the Chinese guy said “know your enemy…. the first step to victory”. A lot of people have one thing in common, no matter their station or experiences in life, they are American.

Ask yourself what do the Democrats want, what are they willing to do? They want it all, always have, and will do anything to get it. Yet don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s just a Left concept. Does anyone remember the time when a conservative stoop up and proclaimed how good the OWG is, that was Vice President Nelson Rockefeller in the 70’s. At least he had the integrity to admit it, I respect his honesty.

We have a lot of good people, true Americans who will never quit and like our President we have a lot of work to do. It’s midnight and I’m leaving informative Fox news (and many others, thank you for speaking the truth), the TV is off and I seek a restful sleep…..nite and go Patriots.


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