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Border Alert!!

Frank D. Lovell

Our connection to slavery is the enslavement of Israelites by the Pharo of Egypt. To simplify it leave out a divine presence & just consider basic facts. Moses goes to the Pharo & asks him to free his people. The Pharo says forget about it. Thereafter history documents plagues in Egypt, the last one taking the lives of Egypt’s firstborn, including the Pharos son. The Pharo then releases the Israelites & they begin the migration, but the Pharo changes his mind & orders his army to bring them back. The army fails & the Israelites escape eventually creating the nation of Israel. That’s what the historical facts show us. Now include a divine element & you are considering the how behind history.

Why is all that rambling relevant? If you look at the history of freed slaves it is the root history of America's creation whether it be the first to step foot on the ‘new world’ to the founders & the citizens of colonies up to today that divine presence was always a controlling force so much so that for the first time in civilized history Rights were endowed by God that no govt could infringe upon. That belief resulted in America engaging in a war because of slavery, and then struggled for another century to eradicate it from society.

For all those who live under a racist concept, you must have failed your history classes in school (if ya ever had them) or for whatever reason have failed to move forward with the rest of society. Nowhere on earth has the equality of a person been more pursued than in America. Still this govt has a fixation on race, unable to move forward & prosper with the rest of society. Or they may be clinging to a concept they once eagerly embraced as a political party. Have you ever looked at the history of Democrats, I mean from the beginning of the party, what they supported, created, enforced, opposed & did as it relates to slavery? It is an insult that ‘they’ call anyone racist. As much as they attack people as being racist, history shows ‘they’ created it & supported it in America & opposed its demise as recently as the 60’s. That history alone should decide your vote.

The mayor of NY stated the immigration crisis in NY will destroy the city. That is the truest statement I have ever heard a Democrat say, then he asked the fed govt for $. Time out!!! NY is dealing with 30,000 immigrants, the amount Texas gets in 3 days. NY has proclaimed themselves a ‘sanctuary state’ which means NY is responsible for proclaiming & fulfilling that status, not taxpayers from other states. The only option NY has is to demand the fed govt enforce border laws & stop the inflow of illegals & NYorkers, should demand the state govt abide by their state constitution & founding documents to ensure their sovereignty. However, to do that ‘the people’ must change their voting habits. Sadly, you get what you vote for. Republicans in Florida have expressed their right to enforce their sovereign borders from criminal aliens (In fact, as soon as you cross our border you are a criminal in violation of statutory border laws) & charge the fed govt for the costs to deport them, exactly what every state needs to do.

I recently saw clips from other countries showing crowds of people leaving their countries on the march to America & the purge will be here soon. I saw train cars with a vast # of illegals on top traveling in Mexico to America, lines upon lines walking in every day & the govt tells us the border is secure, 230,00 entered America in August alone, not counting those we don’t know about. What about the 85,000 unaccompanied children who have disappeared? We can only wonder, sex trafficking, slavery, pedophiles, where are these children?

Now we are issuing illegal work permits, state ID cards, driver’s licenses & social security cards. PA passed a law when you get your license you are automatically registered to vote, wonder who an illegal would vote for? The govt just declared ‘protective statuses’ for illegals preventing deportation. Have ya ever wondered how much all this illegal stuff is costing us, the taxpayers?

The govt tells us the system is broken, it’s broken because the govt refuses to enforce our immigration laws & that is the fault of the FBI, DOJ, DHS, the State Dept & the White House. At the very least the heads of the DOJ & DHS should be impeached, the evidence is clear & cannot be disputed. No country in civilized history had a border as wide open as ours. It’s estimated there are 50 million illegals in America & the goal is to ultimately give them citizenship & the right to vote. The Democrats are looking to create a new voting block because their actions have turned many Americans away from the party.

Also, why isn’t this govt supporting Israel as it did a few short years ago? Then when several nations became closer to Israel & good things happened to further peace & prosperity in the Middle East with America leading the way. A bright light is the present negotiations between Israel & Saudi Arabia which will hopefully result in the furtherance of peace, sadly without the presence of America. So why is this govt unwilling to be a part of two Middle East nations discussing peace & security? Which prompts another question, why is this govt acting in a manner that aids those nations opposed to Middle East peace & promotes terrorism on a global scale?

So, what do we do? The same as always, communicate with people who need to be aware of what is happening, America needs to be Awake. Don’t spend your $ at places that don’t support America. Pay attention to the education of children. Contact your representatives on all levels, ensure the sovereignty of your state, that people are safe & prospering with strong communities. Be involved & stay involved because this one is up to every one of us. Stop arguing amongst ourselves over what/who is best for America. That’s politics & we can’t afford to play that game, this isn’t a contest, it’s a fight for the survival of all America is.

If I were hiring someone for the job, I would have to know that the policies presented would be effective, our founding documents are respected, they have the strength & will to endure opposition & the intelligence to function through it. I would have to know they are a Patriot & trust them to produce security & prosperity. The decision is easier if you know someone who already did all that & we do don’t we? If the people who are degrading America are the same people attacking a certain individual it tells me, they are afraid of this person & this is the person America needs. This could be a good story for someone sitting on the fence, sorry time to get off the fence, it’s time to make a decision NOW.

I watch the Republican debates for informational purposes on people who may be in politics for years to come. However, logic dictates I support the one not at the debate, the proven one, the only one I trust to save this Constitutional Republic we call America.

Frank D. Lovell

American Patriots

Free State of Florida


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