Many years ago the left pushed the global cooling theory, we were going to be covered in ice. Well that didn’t happen so then they pushed global warming, well that didn’t happen. So now they changed up and are pushing climate change. Well let’s be clear on just what all this means.
It has nothing to do with climate change but has everything to do with gaining control over the economic structure of America. If a group can control the economics of America they have control over America and everyone living in it. In basic Socialist terms it’s about controlling the ‘means of production’, which means the government, will control everything, including you. After many years of operating from behind the scenes they have finally come out in the open with their socialist intentions.
I believe there are two reasons for this. (1) The President’s agenda of getting back to basic American values has threatened their agenda. (2) They believe the educational system they have created to indoctrinate our youth with leftist ideals has reached the point that a majority of youth now believe socialism is good and the free market is evil as is the basic foundation of America itself. They actually believe they have the votes to take the government back.
I have noticed the constant attacks on conservatives has vastly increased, this is because we stand in their way and they must do everything they can to discredit us before the American voters. Make no mistake we are living in a time where forces are attempting to overthrow the America we know. If you don’t think this could ever happen in America that is exactly what they are relying on, you not accepting what is unbelievable.
Please believe me, it’s happening, it’s real and it is up to us to stand up and explain to everyone we know what is happening. The burden is upon us to stop this, to stand up for America and the freedoms we all enjoy.
Frank D. Lovell Citrus County President Trump Club