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Convention of States

Frank D. Lovell

Updated: Jun 8, 2023

I know, I expressed thoughts on “The Convention of States” in the past, I’m even a member although not active enough. The more I see & hear in America the more I realize the importance of a Convention of States called under Article V of the Constitution. It's controlled entirely by the states & has the power to propose constitutional amendments that limit federal power, mandate fiscal responsibility, & impose term limits on federal officials. I ask myself isn’t that all we want/need?

I always felt the key was to have a majority of ‘Patriotic States’ calling for action under our Founding Documents. A lot has been achieved in this pursuit, most importantly States are creating Patriotic Legislatures supporting the COS avenue & the list of States grow.

That is where WeThePeople are diligent & accepting of the Founder's protection under Article V of the Constitution, just one more protection they gave us of many. It is our responsibility to assure Patriotic State Legislatures are the majority at a COS. There are many people working towards that goal of having many more red states than blue states at the Convention, we should be halfway there now & it’s critical to the safety of America that the majority be red before one is called on. I heard all the arguments pro/cons for a COS, the dangers, the benefits, & many valid ones.

The conclusion I draw is protection under Article 5 is assured by a majority of Patriotic States, working towards the same goal ‘Preserve America.” The bottom line is it takes every one of us in each State to be active to assure our local, and state govt support preserving America. The Founders relied on an informed, active public to manage their affairs through the processes they established to assure their Liberties & Safety.

To be honest, we should have done this decades ago, but we didn’t, shame on us. If the combined wisdom of our Founders created a protection against an abusive federal govt it is up to us, to intelligently engage in that process & that happens to be the legal process of Sovereign States united for their sovereignty.

Everyone needs to support a Convention of States called under Article V of the Constitution which means you need to assure you live in a Free State. WeThePeople do our job & our Representatives will do theirs & together we improve America as our Founders intended. For your info:

Yes, there is confusion & division & I fully understand one issue people have, rhinos in red states supporting blue states, in an environment where vast numbers of groups/corps, etc. will be involved in this political process to have a controlling hand in what the Convention does which could result in the Demise of America. I am fully aware of that problem. All I’m saying is the Founders gave us a remedy & hoped we were smart enough to utilize it once we achieved a Majority ‘conservative’ govt in States across America. The burden is upon each of us to assure our Representatives at all govt levels are Americans who put America above Party. It is then that we call into action Article V & create the Convention which will improve the federal govt to better serve WeThePeople. At that point, it is safe to hold a Convention. Don’t engage in a fight ahead of time when you are not ready. We have a lot of work to do before we reach that Convention point & the responsibility is all ours, as is our Duty to serve America, however long it takes, don’t think it’s just the military that is called to serve America. That duty is on every American to serve America in a time of need, it’s on us, now.

As far as 2024, who is better suited to build America than one who has spent their life building? Couple that with a history of American accomplishments while in the WH which clearly define his intent & validated his word, there is only one logical choice for a President in 2024. When I leave this planet I just wanna know I left an America for future generations of Americans.

Frank D. Lovell

American Patriots

Free State of Florida


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