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Did ya know?

Frank D. Lovell

After World War II the U.S. was the biggest economy in the world. In the 70s, global banking became basically $ central. With the fall of the Soviet Union, the entire world came under the domination of the U.S. dollar (USD).

World reserve currencies are a currency held in large quantities by central banks in other nations & are utilized in international trade. The USD has been the reserve currency of the world since 1945. However, it has lost its status as the most dominant currency because of the growth of China's Yuan. Other countries like Russia, Germany, France, Britain, Brazil, Iran, Turkey & Venezuela are also now using their own currencies to serve as global reserve currencies instead of the USD & more will do the same.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced it would no longer use the USD as its standard for assessing a nation’s economic conditions. The announcement by the IMF coincides with a period where many countries are witnessing their economies deteriorating & have been struggling to maintain their financial stability.

All our lives we have lived in a country that has set the worldwide economic standard. True we have lived through economic hard times, but we survived because other nations were investing in the USD & that was America’s advantage. That is on the verge of ending, these actions will cause the ruin of the US economy like never before & there will be no bouncing back, sadly not many Americans are even aware it is happening. What do we do? Support Rep Alex Mooney (R-WV), Rep Andy Biggs (R-AZ), and Paul Gosar (R-AZ) in passing H.R. 2435 the Gold Standard Restoration Act, we need to go back to the ‘Gold Standard’ now. How far will it go? don’t know till ya try.

In 1984 a KGB defector told us of a 4-stage plan to destroy America through the process of ideological subversion. If you find this hard to believe look at what is presently happening in America, everything he told us is coming true, it is time for everyone to WakeUp, our Liberty is on the verge of dying.

Are you aware South Africa a country friendly to the US, is now engaged in military exercises with China & Russia? Countries see the internal turmoil in America, its economy, the irrational decisions made by this govt, its lack of will to stand up on the world stage against offending nations, a divided & confused population, and a military lacking the resources & will to defend America. Although not a word from this govt or media, I haven’t forgotten we still have American hostages in Afghanistan. Our enemies know what that KGB defector said decades ago is a reality, sadly some Americans go through life never seeing the big picture.

This govt is constantly leaking info to the media, normally it's distorted info attempting to sway your opinion, and no action is ever taken to resolve the leaks. Historically in cases like Daniel Ellsberg-Pentagon Papers, Edward Snowden, Wikileaks, etc when truthful info is leaked to the public the govt is quick to prosecute. Now we have an airman being prosecuted for leaking info about American troops on the ground in Ukraine. Do you think China & Russia didn’t know American troops were there? The only ones who didn’t know were the American people. Now as in the past, the person who revealed the truth hidden by govt is being punished.

Now for the game show question. What do we do? I say communicate, from your representative to your neighbor talk to everyone about what is happening in America. Just communicate & let people think, let them connect the dots between past events & events of today to reveal the truth. If it’s your representative in govt let them know what you think, they do work for you.

I could go on & on about the ‘education’ of our youth & adults, crime in our streets, our borders, economy, energy dependence on others, the justice system, military, etc., we have ‘many’ problems. I just don’t see a solution if we don’t communicate. Someone in history must have said, spread the word & they will listen. The most frightening aspect of all this is ‘Americans’ from politicians to corporations are engaged in activities harmful to America. The lingering question I have is, what is ‘treasonous activity’?

Frank D. Lovell

American Patriot

Free State of Florida


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