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Divine Intervention?

Frank D. Lovell

At this point I have to say God is guiding us if not for that instant when Trump turned his head & the bullet grazed his ear, it would have been a head shot. Some say luck, sorry, I say divine.  Then the reaction for the world to see, as Trump rises, with his fist in the air saying fight, fight, fight & the crowd responding USA,USA,USA. Maybe the left media will say Trump was condoning violence, the crowd & all other Patriots knew his intent was ‘MakeAmericaGreatAgain’ & there is a process for that which calls for a vote, not violence.


Unlike many other instances of multiple firings in a crowd, there was no stampede. No panic, people were protecting themselves in place giving them time to think & helping others. These were people who although distressed, were logical in their thinking. These people are the Trump base & their goal is to ‘Make America Great Again’ & Trump said that before being shot. Amazingly amid a bad event rises good. The major thing I take from this (which I already knew) was the ‘character of Trump’. It was caught on camera with his fist in the air, blood on his face with a determined look, with the American flag as the background. Which could arguably be said to be in the National distress mode, upside-down.


Now the question is motive. Of course there are many avenues to investigate there. I do hope one of them is which media was he connected to, what info was he intaking to form decisions? Could it be as simple as a confused, depressed American kid who out of fear believed he was going to kill Hitler & save America? I believe from politicians to media they were telling the nation Trump was Hitler, etc. Just saying it needs to be one of the avenues investigated transparently.


The harsh reality is I see Images of Biden & Trump, that alone convinces me who needs to be the ‘Leader of the Free World’ & he was just shot. I only hope those who saw this who were thinking Democrat ask the question, who was it who instilled so much fear & hate into American society concerning Trump?  I suspect more Americans support Trump now than before.


For those of us who have studied history of the Revolutionary war we are aware of the numerous instances which benefited Patriots that can only be described as divine intervention. What I saw at that rally was divine intervention, Trump turned his head an instant before the bullet hit him, without that head movement it would have been a head shot not one that grazed his ear.


As I suspected Trump just issued a statement, no changes to future events, all continue as usual, another aspect of his character. This is a guy who loves his country & those who support it. It’s very simple you have 2 guys, one who led us before & one who is leading us now. Just think back & decide who you want leading us in 2025. Yes, life was better for everyone with Trump.


On another note, Niki Healy is speaking at the GOP Convention. I suspect her presence is the final act that will completely unify the party which will be critical. So, when we vote just leave our stupid outside & vote with ‘common sense.’


Frank D. Lovell

American Patriots

Free State of Florida


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