Florida Republican state Senator Jason Brodeur introduced a bill SB 1316 titled "Information Dissemination," that must be defeated.
It requires bloggers who send posts about the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, a Cabinet officer, or any member of the Legislature & receive compensation in doing so to register with the state & requiring them to disclose who's paying them for their posts & how much. I have tried to find the reasoned logic for the Bill & how it benefits Floridians, but I find nothing. I do see an intrusion into the First Amendment by placing conditions on its expression. I see a door opening to requiring the registration of your email, why not, that's what happens when you allow an intrusion into a basic God-given Right.
An excellent explanation was in the Chronicle by Cortney Stewart: https://www.chronicleonline.com/opinion/columnists/blogger-bill-is-a-dangerous-idea/article_b82e8677-cf7f-5a84-9dff-31cbed0faa2c.html
Let your representatives in Florida know SB 1316 is a NO for Floridians.
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Frank D. Lovell
American Patriot
Free State of Florida