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Floridian Alert 1-12-23

Frank D. Lovell

Are you aware of Bill HJR 131 in Florida? I’ll jump to what I feel is most important although it all is important.

County Officers: There shall be elected by the 27 electors of each county, for terms of four years, a sheriff, etc., etc.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following statement be placed on the ballot: CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 1

RECALL OF COUNTY OFFICERS & COMMISSIONERS. Proposing an amendment to the State Constitution to authorize the Legislature to provide by general law for the recall of county officers & commissioners.

In the Mayflower Compact, we first agreed to support & protect each other, later we agreed to have a Sheriff provide us the protection of our laws & Liberties & assure our Will was being expressed in government. Law & Order played a huge part in our founding as they should today, the election of Sheriff is critical to our Liberty.

Now we ask our Representatives to vote on a general law to provide for the recalling of county officers & commissioners. I’m surprised we didn’t already have that protection; in fact, it should be like that for ANY elected government official. Wasn’t that the intent from our inception, for WeThePeople to have full authority over any government?

So, if this Bill has those elements within it how could any Representative, regardless of party, vote no on this? I really don’t want to hear reasons; this Bill offers security & the means for Floridians to make changes to their Representative to assure their will is being protected. That’s really all I care about; give me that & I feel secure in Liberty.

So, check it out, only 4 pages, an easy read. Then let your Representatives know how you want them to vote, that’s how this thing works WeThePeople tell our Representatives how to vote but it doesn’t work as well if we don’t take the time to tell them. Although I believe Floridians do an excellent job of having their Will represented. Now it’s time for Patriots to express themselves on HJR 131 & bring Florida closer to her roots of Liberty.

Frank D. Lovell

American Patriot

Free State of Florida


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