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I Told You So

Frank D. Lovell

This is one last attempt to reach those Americans who just don’t understand what is going on in America.

Soon to be revealed, the Democrats attempted to overthrow an American President, to subvert our elections. They have already taken control of our educational system, youth are no longer taught American history. Ask you children one simple question about the American Revolution; chances are they won’t even know who we fought, let alone the principles we fought for. The system, which created the greatest nation on earth, capitalism, they have been taught is evil, the youth of today embrace Socialism, a system, which has enslaved everyone living under it.

The Democrats have gained control of the media, Americans no longer hear the news, they hear a political agenda. All they may be aware of is the economy is doing great, only because the media are unable to hide that fact. They have no idea of all the other great things this President has already done for this country, the media refuses to report on it.

How many are aware we don’t live in a Democracy, even though politicians talk about a Democracy…another lie? We live in a Constitutional Republic, which is a huge difference. The reality is the Democrats want a system of Socialism, which means the government, has all the power over your lives, in reality they have power over your lives. Another reason why they want illegal immigrants to vote for them. They have lost the Spanish and African American vote so the need another voting block……illegals.

Don’t get me wrong I have no deep love for Republicans; some are just as bad as Democrats. However at least most don’t want to change the system of government we live under. They want to defend and preserve our Constitution and Bill of Rights; most youth of today don’t even know what those are because they have never been taught.

If the Democrats can do away with your 2nd Amendment rights you will then lose your 1st Amendment rights. You will no longer have a voice to speak out in protest against the government.

We have no choice but to vote Republican in 2020 if we desire to save the America we grew up in. Just wanted to say this because if you vote Democrat and end up being oppressed……I told you so.

Frank D. Lovell, Inverness FL


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