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Is it just me?

Frank D. Lovell

After watching the media I start wondering is it just me who understands why we have violence in America. I heard only three people touch on the issue in fleeting remarks. Then I researched some more and found out, no it’s not just me, people have written about the cause for years now. It’s just that no one is listening.

I have always believed the Left has taken control of our educational system. I arrived at this from reading history, Mao, Castro, Stalin, Hitler all focused on the reeducation of youth to create a generation which favored them being in total control of their countries. This is now on the verge of being a reality for America, the Left has in fact reeducated a majority of our youth. This has been pointed out by a number of people, a few I list here.

Paul Roebling How Public Schools Are Indoctrinating Students To Marxism

Rick Gordon - Enigmose Political Liberal Brainwashing in Public Schools

Powerline Posted on July 13, 2017 by John Hinderaker Left-wing Indoctrination in the Schools: It’s Worse Than You Think

Pacific research Institute April 25, 2017 Lance Izumi Politicized Teachers Push Radical Leftist Agenda by Lynn Woolley April 26, 2015 Public Schools becoming increasingly liberal and race-based

We now have a generation of youth who believe Capitalism is evil and Socialism is good, America (true American history is no longer taught) is a racist country controlled by a number of elite white wealthy individuals. There is no God (after all we took God out of our schools) nor is there an American dream. We now have youth who feel alone, abandoned, lacking social skills, unmotivated (half still live with their parents, although they are adults), few are marrying and raising a family let alone pursuing a career to secure their future.

Some even have been pushed so far as to hate America and all it stands for causing them to seek like minded individuals such as Antifa, etc. Or to strike out on their own living the life of a loner with few friends, lacking social interaction, living with a desire to strike out at anyone and anything. They need to express themselves, to let others know how they feel and in some cases resulting in mass murder.

You see the problem we have is not with guns, which is only the tool out of many they could utilize. The problem is with an individual our educational system has created. There is no easy or quick fix for the only true solution is to retake our educational systems from the Left and get back to teaching our generations the true American values and history.

If you can’t accept this as a reality America will be forever lost. We must contact our elected representatives and demand they conduct investigations into our system of education. I would go as far as saying what has happened to our systems of education is treason against America and we must act NOW.

Frank D. Lovell Citrus County President Trump Club


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