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Just what is going on? 4-19-19

Frank D. Lovell

So now we finally have the Mueller Report and the bottom line is no evidence of collusion or obstruction against our President.

Exactly what has this President done? (1) He waived Executive Privilege, (2) allowed numerous interviews between Mueller and White House staff and others, (3) supplied over 1.4 million documents, (4) never fired anyone connected to the investigation although he has the Constitutional authority to do so.

Now what has been done TO this President? Under constant daily media attacks which attack his character, integrity, intentions and basically all that he is as an individual. If that isn’t enough they say things against his family and those near him that are totally false. They refuse to tell the American people of all the efforts made and achievements accomplished under his guidance all intended to assure all Americans have the opportunity for a better life.

Now try placing yourself in his position knowing your intentions are purely Patriotic and guided by the spirit of 1776, a love of country and its people. Your motivation is to assure the people have the opportunities to better their life. Now if you believe you, your family, friends and co-workers are being unfairly attacked. If you are hearing lies and made up stories all attaching everything you are doing and intended to mislead the American people. If it reaches the point that your senses are telling you these people intend to destroy not only you and those around you but the country you love.

Personally I would be mad as hell and want to do all I could to stop the attacks. At this point that American spirit kicks in and you fight back. Time to reveal the truth for all to see. Time to expose the corrupt, illegal, treasonous activities of those attackers. Time to let Americans see how others are attempting to overthrow a duly elected government of the people. In this fight you may make mistakes due to emotional stress, that is normal but you will always respect the Rule of Law because that is a part of America. Plus you surround yourself with like-minded people to assist on this journey. This may be close to how our president feels. I know it would be how I felt if in the situation.

Those who don’t support this President shame on you for being blinded by life. You live a life lacking common sense, a sense of history, understanding of government functions which control your life and the ability to learn through logical thinking, sadly you have become a puppet on a string controlled by your emotional ties to that which is false and dangerous to your existence.

The basic foundation of this America we grew up in is under severe attacks. American values, its freedoms, protections and opportunities are under attack. Simply put if people succeed in destroying this President, America itself is next on the list for destruction. If you find this hard to believe that is exactly what they count on it’s too crazy to be true right? Don’t conclude that opinion until you seek and discover the facts. By the way where is the apology from those attackers who said our President was a traitor to his country? You do remember that coming from all the media outlets.

As the President said “this should never happen to an American President again” Now there are also those true patriots who also love this country, its history, freedoms, protections and opportunities it offers to its people. However if you are one of the puppets you may not be aware if you don’t have access to information available on sources like Fox News or social media like (, consider their information and decide who is telling you the truth.

Knowing you have done no wrong, your intentions are patriotic and that in time the truth will be known to all Americans and they will understand what happens in a country which is on the verge of an overthrow of its government motivates you to continue the fight. This is the revolution I felt in the 60’s but today it’s not about changing the government, today it’s about preserving the America we grew up in, one with freedoms, protections and opportunities to live as you wish. Look around at other countries, can you honestly say America does not offered you these things.

I wonder how many of us have ever read the “Federalist papers’’, writings on the “Constitutional Convention” the “Constitution” and “Bill of Rights” and other writings of our Founding Fathers. Are you aware of the arguments and debates they engaged in while creating a new nation? What they all agreed in was creating the structure, which protected the freedoms and opportunities to pursue the happiness of its people from an abusive government.

I lived a life with good instincts and they are valuable as you go through life, this President has them. My greatest pleasure is knowing I will have lived through a time in history to see an attempt to overthrow the country I grew up in miserably fail. To realize that true to its beginnings there was another time in history when Patriots had to rise up to fight for the greatest country to ever exist on this planet. To protect themselves, their families and friends and a country that has given them so much.

The Democrats and the Left know they are on the verge of losing their effort to grasp power. That the truth of their treasonous actions is on the verge of being exposed for all to see. However out of panic they increase their attacks, now they attack the Attorney General because they realize he is not concerned with political parties, his concern is America. Do they really think we are that stupid, unable to see what their intentions are?

Our Founding Fathers created this nation inspired by the God they believed in. I hear some say that power is present at the moment, that a God is guiding us through a difficult time to preserve all we hold dear. I’m not here to debate that but I do understand if we are going to save this nation we need all the help we can get for we are up against an evil force that is intent in destroying the greatest nation on earth. Talk to family, friends ask them what they think, what they know, how they feel. We must be aware of our environment, understand what is going on, seek out the truth and as a true Patriot, do that which is necessary to preserve our nation, which includes the power of your vote.


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