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Let’s Go Brandon

Frank D. Lovell

Do you remember that social media & commercialized saying “Let’s Go Brandon”? It was huge, everywhere you saw it, heard it so why was it so popular?

Let’s go to the root of where it started. It was at a racetrack where a driver named Brandon just won a race & was being interviewed by an NBC reporter. The crowd in the stands was chanting “Fuck Joe Biden” & this ‘reporter’ stated oh, they are chanting “Let’s Go Brandon,” everyone everywhere knew what the crowd was saying but that reporter took the facts & twisted them to report a lie. The reason for the popularity was it was a perfect example of how the media twists the facts to mean what THEY want them to mean in providing the public with a lie. Plus, it’s nicer to have a t-shirt that says “Let’s Go Brandon” than “Fuck Joe Biden.”

Now we have HR 8404 "Respect for Marriage Act," Specifically, for purposes of federal law, marriage as between a man and a woman & spouse as a person of the opposite sex with provisions that recognize any marriage that is valid under state law is the focal point. Foremost is the ‘purpose of federal law.’ Which has no authority over State Law & therefore moots any intrusion in a state matter by the federal government/courts.

Another issue are states recognizing same-sex marriages from other states, & again we have outside intrusions into the compact made between the people & their state. If the people of a state prefer the tradition of the institute of marriage which dates back 3400 years giving meaning to the word ‘marriage’ as that between a man & a woman. No authority has the right to redefine a word from the pages of history, nor force themselves into the beliefs of others. This entire issue is about the federal govt/courts telling the states, which are ruled by the people living there, what to do & what rights they have or don’t have. In the beginning, the people made a convent with God & created a sovereign state with authority to carry out the will of those people, never to have authority over those people but to act as their servants. The federal govt was created for the same purpose & as such is also ruled by ‘the people,’ God gave people rights over their environment to assure that purpose was secure & it’s time America gets back to that.

The federal govt has no right to marry people just as it has no right to intercede in that process. We can no longer issue laws & rules that violate that sacred bond & must readjust our past efforts that did them a disservice. I’m sorry but the word ‘marriage’ is already taken as are the words ‘man’ & ‘woman,’ & now we are dealing with natural law as well & I don’t have time for that discussion. The bottom line is anyone wishing a life outside of tradition should be allowed a word of their own, one with a new meaning, call it anything but marriage for that already has a meaning.

Wanna talk about climate or energy? America led the world in the production of clean environmentally safe energy. The last thing America or the climate needs is America restricting its past energy policy. If you’re an American & you want to protect the environment, you should be demanding America makes demands on other countries to produce cleaner energy. Our representatives should be shouting this at NATO & United Nations summits & environmental conferences, etc. So why is America silent? An electric vehicle in Detroit isn’t going to save the environment if China remains the largest polluter of the environment. That is where the climate crisis is ‘if there is one', all those countries that fail to produce clean energy. Is this the govt you want?

I know how it is to get an hour-long video, you really must be motivated. I often wondered; how will they take over America. I saw many avenues but not the plan, I now know & it’s worse than I thought. So, take an hour out of your life because this threatens it. Keep in mind, this woman is reading from an official government manual, you know those things they create to explain how to accomplish a goal:

Hey, it’s not all bad, you know what’s going on in Arizona? Kerri Lake (the real Governor of Arizona) has 2 suits in court, I keep hearing they are solid legal presentations based on vast evidence. They seek either the Arizona election is invalid, or Kerri is the Governor, I like those options. Just so you understand how critical this is if the court (under a lot of pressure) grants either of the reliefs we would have just proven the Democrats rigged the election. A major court case for all Americans to see once & for all what the Democrats are capable of, we need this truth to become exposed. Let’s see if we have a Constitutional Judge left in America.

Facebook has been getting crazy lately, my last ban against posting stories was 5 days & ends tomorrow. I still have 50 pages left to post my last story then when I start posting this story, they will ban me again & that’s just how it is on Facebook. It’s worth the time, so far, we have over 900 people from Facebook who signed up for the story emails.

It's been 8 days since I started this, time to let it go. Remember our job now is to contact politicians & let them know how we feel, no compromise with the Democrats, stop the bleeding of America & investigate illegal actions

We have 2312 Patriots who get these stories via a Constant Contact email, if you want to be added send an email to: and let me know what state you live in.

Frank D. Lovell

American Patriot

Free State of Florida


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