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Media Right or Left

Frank D. Lovell

Some complain the Chronicle is a Leftist publication, well that is the right of the owner, the important issue do they allow exposure of the other side? The reality is they do, maybe not as much as you would like to see but they do publish writings from the Right. If you are reading this my point has been made.

Now let’s consider other forms of media. I will use two examples to make my point. Fox News has an anchor Shepard Smith who does not like our President and makes it very clear. They also have Juan Williams and Donna Brazile both obviously supporting the Left. I hear some complain about this, how dare Fox allow them on to express their Leftist views. The reality is Fox is doing what all media outlets should be doing, offering their viewers a fair and balanced exposure on the issues. They utilize findings from their investigative journalists and civil litigation from American Center for Law and Justice and others to present the facts to their viewers allowing them to form opinions.

In contrast we have CNN, none of their anchors support the President. If we look at their interviews, guests and panels we do not see the Right being allowed exposure. CNN offers its viewers opinions not based on facts in fact they distort the facts. Example, the President is a racist because he said Baltimore is crime, drug, and rat infested. The facts show that it wasn’t a racist statement it was one of fact. He also said New Hampshire, which is around 98 percent white is drug infested, which it is. Also all illegal immigrants crossing the border are criminals, murderers, rapists and drug dealers. The distortion is the President never said all immigrants, he said a number of them are. That is the truth, a number of them are.

What I am saying is we have to be careful of the information we take in. It forms our opinions, which affect the way we vote, and when we vote it should be based on factual information. That is the duty we have as Americans, to cast an intelligent vote on matters intended to further improve our nation. I would suggest you watch a variety of news media to learn the information from both sides.

Frank D. Lovell Citrus County President Trump Club


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