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Mueller Report 4-21-19

Frank D. Lovell

There are some troubling aspects of this long waited report, let’s think about a few.

Very sketchy mention of the Russian dossier, the only document that the entire investigation was based on, and is linked to Clinton. The Russian lawyer who was at the Trump tower (and also working for Fusion GPS) was never called to testify. They knew the evidence showed about a year ago that there was no collusion between the Russians and the Trump organization. That was the purpose of the investigation so why didn’t they end it at that point rather than drag it out for over another year? Maybe they wanted to give the media and Democrats more time to continue attacking the President, to drag it out as long as possible.

The bottom line is Mueller and his gang of Democrats (not one Republican outside of Mueller was involved) was forced to conclude there was no collusion. The President is innocent of the charges, bottom line, argument over, and end of any discussion. Now that the Democrats and media insanity of close to three years was forced to end, they needed something else.

So now we have “obstruction” they will hang on that until the election, only one problem. Mueller said there was no evidence to prove obstruction but listed ten points for Democrats to hang on to. Mueller’s job was to find evidence; if none existed that is the end of the issue. However, Mueller had to keep the door open for Democrats so he listed the ten issues, which is a violation of his mandate. Mueller should have stopped when he said “no evidence of obstruction” end of story.

I won’t waste time on these ten issues but will discuss one to give you an idea. Investigators said they uncovered evidence that the President told one of his staff to fire Mueller (it never happened) but the problem with that is the President had every legal authority to fire Mueller. It’s a non-issue, totally irrelevant. Now the outstanding part of all this is the fact that the President did the following. Allowed everyone to be interviewed by Mueller, even his personal attorney (that has never happened in the past, no President would ever do that), he gave them 1.4 million documents, answered written questions for Mueller, told everyone around him to cooperate. Reality, if the President never allowed his personal attorney to be interviewed by Mueller they would never had know about his passing desire to fire him. The President didn’t care about that he knew it was totally legal for him to do it. He never had a concern with the investigation because he knew it never happen, his concern was with the people involved. Think about this, Clinton supporters and a Clinton lawyer were on the team and everyone under Mueller was a Democrat.

Excuse me, I think I would be a lil concerned, do these Democrats have brain lock? They really think they can make an issue out of that? Of course they don’t, they know there is no issue there but the important thing is to keep the issue going until they reach the elections. They need the media show going to place that doubt in the mind of voters, that is what this is all about and has been from the start. Their fear is the issue will end before the election and people will know the president did nothing wrong that would destroy them, they can’t allow that.

Have you noticed how most of them have given up on the collusion issue? After calling the President a traitor, saying they have evidence, remember all that? Well where are they now? Why isn’t someone saying to them “you said you had evidence the President was a traitor, what do you have to say now?” We will never hear anyone ask that, the Democrat media has fell silent on the issue. But now they can talk about obstruction until the election.

Personally I fell insulted that they would think people are so stupid to buy into all their lies and false stories. Sadly there really are some ignorant people around who eat up everything the left tells them, those are the scary ones because they really believe all these lies. However your average American is thinking, what the hell is going on here, something isn’t right. For over two years they told me about what the President had done with the Russians, every day, all day long. Now I find it just wasn’t true. You see Democrats, you have lost those people, you can no longer fool them, they know, figured it out, and the gig is up. Chances are you will never get them back, you have abused their loyalty and insulted their intelligence and they are not very happy with you.

When it comes time to vote for Congressional members and a new President I have this feeling you will see something like this. Many Democrats losing Congressional seats to Republicans and you will still see Donald Trump sitting in the Presidents chair. At that point you will be making appointments with your therapists because like you see at the conclusion of a movie, it’s “The End”

People keep this in mind when it comes time to vote America is counting on you.


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