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Frank D. Lovell

The most widely used word in the Democratic-Left dictionary. If you disagree with them guess what, you are a racist. So let’s look a little more closely at this issue.

In the beginning you had African tribes in Africa raiding villages capturing people and marching them to the sea. At that point they would sell their captives to the Spanish and Portuguese who took them to ships headed to America. So we started with Africans capturing Africans and selling them to White men, lesson learned, just because someone is the same color you are doesn’t mean you can trust them.

So we have these ships sailing to America and guess what, they sold those people to Democrat slave owners in the south. Yes the vast majority of slave owners were Democrats. Another interesting fact is a lot of Democrats in Congress back then supported slavery; some were even Klan members and were proud of their racism they had no problem letting people know what they thought.

Now we move forward to a critical moment in our history, which was called the Civil War, so just what was that war? Quite simply it was the declaration of the Republicans declaring war against the Democratic slave owners to free the slaves holding that all men were created equal. As we know many white men and freed slaves died in that war to free the slaves. Interesting to note it was white men who died to free black people, obviously just because your white doesn’t mean you are a racist. Now the Democrats have never forgiven the Republicans for doing that, they lost their way of life.

Let’s move forward a little more. We are now in 1964, Congress has a bill titled “The Civil Rights Act” proposed by President John F. Kennedy, this was to assure all minorities had equal rights and opportunities. So who do you think opposed that bill? But of course the southern Democrats did, still upset over that Civil War.

So lets look at today, mainly some major cities controlled by the Democratic political machine for decades. Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago to name a few. I look at these neighborhoods and I see severe racism, I see a minority population bound by the chains of a political machine condoning economic racism and violence, lacking employment, housing and educational opportunities.

However, I do have some understandable blame for Republicans. Because of the all-powerful Democratic political machine in these areas most Republicans don’t even bother running for political office. That for me is a problem because these communities deserve the option for change; they deserve a choice in how their neighborhoods are run. They need and deserve the opportunity to break the chains of Democratic rule over their lives.

So whenever I hear the Left call someone a racist and at this point they call millions of Americans who support this President a racist. I can only wonder can’t people see racism isn’t just about a color; it’s all about power. A black member of Congress who does nothing to better the lives of people in those communities is a racist just as much as a white member. They only care about power and the color of money not those people they profess to represent.

Frank D. Lovell Citrus County President Trump Club


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