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Right to Truth

Frank D. Lovell

So now we have people in NYC throwing buckets of water on police officers as they walk down the street, over and over, laughing about it all on video, the officers did nothing just continued to walk while being attacked. So what was done about it? Nothing was done, no investigation into the facts, no arrests, nothing.

That tells me politics have taken over law enforcement, which is now controlled by the Left through power and fear endangering our safety. Some of the officers may feel the need to explain, complain, and express how they fell about the situation. However the Left media won’t air their response and the officers have a fear of losing their jobs if they complain about the atmosphere on non-enforcement. That is the punishment for questioning the Left they are in control and one should never forget that.

It is critical they we all keep an eye on the Left, search all avenues for opinions outside the main stream media (MSM), get the facts then weigh them, contemplate, seek the truth in those facts. Then decide which opinion reflects your view. That is a government of the people for the people and if enough of you make your opinion known government will act in your best interests.

As we all know nothing is free, not really, we must work at it. Now it becomes your duty to work, to communicate your views to others, to help America make her way through dangerous times. To continue to be the America you grew up in. only better.

A Free Press was to guarantee the people had access to a truthful, reliable source of information they could rely on in making decisions concerning their government. Basically assuring when citizens were exposed to a point of view they would be aware of all views equally allowing them to intelligently decide which view was best for them to live with. That is a government of the people.

I believe the Founders assumed information would be accurate and people would have access to all the information because they were given a “Free Press”. I am not aware of a “right to truth”, yet should it not be the time to proclaim it? It is the one element, which has no sides, no opinion, and no power over anything, it is simply a Fact for one to make a decision on.

Americans love facts, we have this compelling need to know things so we can then form opinions. Then express those opinions to others, in turn hearing the opinions of others, through this process we either alter our opinions or reinforce them. I consider it critical to our learning that facts are always discussed.

However this “Right to Truth’ has been under attack for decades now, only recently has it raised it’s ugly head. With a little research one can see a connection between Democrats and what we call the MSM. They say the same things at the same times, as if one tells the other the day before “this is what we want to tell the American people tomorrow”. The MSM talk about the issues beneficial to the Democrats or more accurately the Left, now the “Far Left”. I fail to see people on the Right being involved in the exchange of ideas on the MSM. Watch who they invite on their broadcasts, interviews, panels. We don’t see the Right being asked questions or what they think about an issue. All we see is information relevant to the Left and the majority is inaccurate.

There is a good reason why they call us the Right, usually, most of the time, we are. So now, because the MSM is controlled by a political ideology we are forced to seek information from all sources. Think about the information you receive then think about what you think is going on in America. If you feel there is a problem in America then it is your duty as an America to stand up and express how you feel to others, let others know what you have found, ask them to spread the information to others. Then, when it comes time to do your duty as a citizen cast your vote for that side which best supports your opinion.

That is how a “government of the people for the people works” and we should never forget it. America is in trouble and our duty is clear.

Frank D. Lovell Citrus County President Trump Club


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