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Saving the Democrats

Frank D. Lovell

We have people in Congress who express an anti-Semitic attitude against Israel, are friends with people who engage in terrorism, support people who attempt to join Isis, make statements like “we don’t need queers who don’t think queer”’ “brown faces who don’t think brown”. Just exactly what is that? It must be ok because no one spoke out against it. People who call Border Agents Nazis and holding facilities concentration camps, say immigrants are drinking out of toilets, once proven to be lies, no one does anything.

The Democrats couldn’t even pass a resolution condemning Omar for clear anti-Semitic statements but had no problem doing it for the President on arguable statements. We have calls for an investigation on Omar for immigration fraud; Omar isn’t her name, not her family, her real name is Ilhan Nur Said Elmi. I’m just waiting to see how the Democrats respond to this once completely revealed.

What troubles me most is some people are still thinking JFK Democrats, that’s the party they relate to. I hate to say this but that party is gone, the party is now controlled by around 100 Democrats who have taken over, those who promote Socialism, reject intelligent debate, speak ill of our Republic and all it stands for. Rather than attack policies they don’t agree with they attack people for they have no facts for a policy attack. Now all who oppose them are racist, homophobe, white supremacists, Nazis.

Whatever happened to those Democrats who would engage in great debates with Republicans over policy issues, who would resolve differences and compromise to make this a more perfect union? We need that moderate Democratic Party back again; it is essential that we have a multiple party format to assure a healthy nation. In an effort to save the Democrats we must vote Republican, vote those extreme left Democrats out of office. Once done the Democrats can then promote moderate candidates to run for office and take their party back. Only then can they can get back the Democratic Party people remember.

If you are a Democrat and care for your Party you must make this difficult decision. Vote Republican to save the Democrats, before you laugh at this really think about the position of the Democrats today is that the America you want to live in?

Frank D. Lovell Citrus County President Trump Club


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