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Second Amendment

Frank D. Lovell

Now they tell us we need Red Flag laws to protect us against guns. Fact: if someone wants a gun they will get a gun regardless of any law. They say there will be due process in a court. My question is what if the individual is unable to afford a lawyer? This is the Second amendment: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Now just what is this militia? During colonial America, all able-bodied men of certain ages were members of the militia. Individual towns formed local independent militias for their own defense. This isn’t the government forming a militia; the residents of a town form it, citizens coming together in their defense. The whole purpose of the Second amendment was no to give citizens the right to hunt or to target practice, it was for “the security of a free State”. Well security from what? Now this is the basic foundation of the second amendment, security and freedom from an oppressive and tyrannical government. That is the purpose of the second amendment so please don’t argue against those high capacity gun magazines. If you are fighting a tyrannical government that is exactly what you need. If you really want to address violence in America maybe you should investigate our educational system which the Left has taken control of. We have a generation of youth that hate the free market system and think socialism is good. They believe America is a racist country because that is what they have been taught. The American dream has been taken away from them through lack of critical thought, love of country, values and the motivation to succeed; they live in a society they hate. You see if we want to address violence we first have to admit what we have allowed to happen to our youth. Then we at least have to investigate it, then correct if for future generations. The fix isn’t easy nor is it quick but if we fail to do it the America we know will be lost forever. Frank D. Lovell Citrus County President Trump Club


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