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Socialism in America? 6-15-19

Frank D. Lovell

I won’t even discuss Venezuela, one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Since turning to Socialism people are starving, unemployed, rioting in the streets, the country now is one of the poorest countries in the world.

When asked about Socialism Bernie Sanders said, no not like Venezuela, like Denmark, that is the Socialism we want. Ok Bernie lets look at Denmark, which has free education and health care. Denmark has one of the highest suicide rates and people on antidepressants. Their minimum income tax is 40% with a sales tax of 25%. A gallon of gas cost $10 the tax on buying a car is 180%. They are taxed 80% for every dollar they earn; many businesses have already left the country. The people of Denmark are depressed and hate Socialism but unable to free themselves of it.

Keep in mind under Socialism the government has full control of your life; your income and you have no control or opportunity for advancement of your status in society. We all know how well our government is at running things; try to imagine them running “everything” in our lives. One of the first things that will happen is business will move to other countries to save their profits. As a result unemployment will be through the roof. There simply will not be enough jobs for people.

In an attempt to control the unrest the government will rescind your Constitutional rights to speak out, to protest. Prior to this they would have already confiscated your firearms, taken away your ability to resist. America will become a police state under total control of government and the political party, which controls it. Election laws will be changed to assure the party in power stays in power, once in a state of Socialism you will never be free of it.

The greatest and most prosperous country on the face of the earth will cease to exist. The flame of freedom and individual rights will be forever extinguished. The saddest part is you will only have yourself to blame, your vote will have created this. Once done you and your children will live with the consequences forever and America will become a footnote in history. An example of what free people should never do once they have obtained freedom.

Frank D. Lovell, Citrus County President Trump Club


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