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The American Fairytale

Frank D. Lovell

Once upon a time you had a group of businessmen, craftsmen, farmers, etc. who sacrificed all they had to create a new form of government. They revolted against the most powerful nation on earth; in fact they owned most of the planet. The King of England and the British Empire, the most well trained military in existence, nations feared them. So we have these people telling the King they no longer belonged to him and refused to obey his rules.

As a result the most powerful military on the face of the earth came to fight these everyday normal people untrained in military tactics. The world laughed, it might last a few weeks until this arrogant rabble is dispelled. However a strange thing happened, these rabble (Patriots) won, some lost their fortunes and lives. Then proceeded to create a “more perfect union”.

One “of the people for the people” a concept unheard of in human history. They went to far as to say the people of this new nation, America, had God given rights, also never heard of before. That means they had rights no government could ever take away. They created a Bill of Rights and a Constitution and began forming a government imposing checks and balances, all intended to protect the people. They were fearful of an overpowering government so the First thing they did was give people the right to speak out against government. The Second thing they did was give people the right to keep their firearms so that if government ever became abusive the people had the means to overthrow that government, in fact it wasn’t just a right, they said the people had a “duty” to overthrow such a government.

They created an “Electoral College” because they knew a large state with a large population could control the federal government and the Nation through the popular vote. As a result the Electoral College gives all states an equal voice in elections, the votes of a small state would count as much as the votes of a large state. I find it amazing how deeply insightful and intelligent these founding people were. Everything they did was for the purpose of protecting the people of America.

They knew it was critical to have “Free Enterprise” to let people make things, do things, sell things based upon the needs of others. If people want what you have they will buy it and all will prosper. We now call that Capitalism, the greatest financial engine in the history of the world, which allows America to grow and prosper. Allows Americans the freedom to pursue dreams, to create wealth, to do whatever they want. These days the Left likes to talk bad about those who made millions under this system. Yet they fail to tell you the truth, people just don’t make millions. First they make a decision to leave their comfortable job working for someone else, to take whatever little money they have and invest it in their dream to start their own business.

McDonald started with a little burger stand, Wal-Mart with a little variety store, I could go one and on. The fact is these poor people took a big chance, broke away from the work force and went on their own, they could have failed. Think about that are you willing to take that chance? Well many of us didn’t and that’s fine. The fact is no Politician has the right to speak ill of these people just because they ended up as huge successful corporations employing millions of Americans. That is a part of the American Dream; it was their right that is what America has to offer.

The bottom line to all this is these people who fought and created this nation we call America knew exactly what they were doing. They created a structure that “The People” could control and one, which gave them the right and opportunity to pursue their dreams and happiness. Anyone today who talks about changing that (fixing something that most certainty is not broke) is a total moron and doesn’t deserve to be taken intelligently. They may be free to speak but I am free to do all in my power to assure they do not change the America I grew up in. I firmly believe it is not only my right, but also my duty, as it is yours. Sorry for the long ramble, I get carried away.

Frank D. Lovell Citrus County President Trump Club


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