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The Death of a Political Party 4-24-19

Frank D. Lovell

After failing to overthrow a duly elected President the Democrats and the Left as a whole are in panic mode, they are self-destructing.

Their voting block is abandoning them, Blacks, Spanish and even Democrats are leaving the Party. Now Democrats are so stressed they are trying to get imprisoned Americans the right to vote, Illegals, anyone they can get to fill these vacancies. So they offer everyone free stuff, medical, education, reparations, anything they can promote to appeal to the voters. The problem is everything they offer isn’t feasible, it’s not real. Structurally and financially it is doomed to fail. It just can’t be done but of course it sounds good.

Universal healthcare, which has failed in every country, that has tried it. Forgiving educational debt, which was created by them to benefit educational institutions, which promote their leftist agenda. What about those responsible students who struggled working a job while paying for their education? Maybe those educational institutions should forgive the debt, although they already have their money don’t they.

First they tried to say our President was a traitor, when that was proven false they immediately jumped on the obstruction wagon. Now they are conducting investigations on that issue while not doing one thing in the legislative process to better the lives of all Americans. Basically they don’t have time for Americans, they are too consumed in attacking the President. Now their new target is Attorney General Barr who released the Mueller report although having no legal requirement to do so.

Their major problem is the investigations against them, which will reveal serious constitutional violations, spying on Americans, perjury to the courts, covering up their treasonous and illegal activities. It’s all being exposed and they know it and it will be exposed before the 2020 elections for all Americans to see. This alone has them in panic producing illogical actions and narratives; they are basically destroying themselves before the American public.

Once they are fully exposed it then becomes your duty as an American to assure they never again are given the power of government, the power to control your life. This still is a government of the people, for the people and by the people and your vote will send that message very loudly and clearly.

Don’t get me wrong I am not very happy with the Republicans who had opportunities to do good things for the American people and failed, because they wanted to play politics. However, they never tried to overthrow a President, spied on the American people and committed other treasonous acts. They remain the best hope we have of preserving America, protection our liberties and freedoms and isn’t that what it is all about. Keep this in mine when you vote in 2020.

Frank D. Lovell, Inverness, FL.


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