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The End of America? 4-16-19

Frank D. Lovell

I lived my younger years in environments of danger and violence yet I survived mainly because of my senses and ability to calmly and logically eliminate the dangers which faced me. I am a product of the 60’s, demonstrations, protests and aggressive behaviors all targeted against a government we felt was unfair and corrupt.

I studied American history mainly the foundation of this country, the arguments and debates of the Founding Fathers in their effort to create this government we live under. Unlike today, their arguments were not about party issues, they argued over how to guarantee state and individual rights. Their major concern was protection against an overbearing abusive central government, hence the 2nd Amendment for one.

They created many safeguards to guarantee the voice and power of the people over government, hence the Electoral College for one. The result was the greatest document to exist in the history of this planet, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Their insight was nothing but remarkable and they all agreed on the concept, their only arguments were on how best to achieve it.

In the 60’s the objective was to change government, I didn’t feel threatened by that, today there is a major difference. Today the object isn’t to change government but to change America itself. To do away with her protections and liberties, with the people’s power over government, to severely alter the Constitution.

Hitler created a political party to gain control of the German government. Then attacked free speech and private ownership of firearms. I express this just to show what one party in total control can achieve. Sadly I see this today in the actions and words of the Democratic Party and the Left. Ok, they won’t declare war on the world and kill millions of people. However they do intend to alter America forever, to do away with protections and freedoms.

I see threats to free speech, opposition to gun ownership, efforts to alter the Constitution, to overthrow this President. Not only do I see but also all my senses tell me of the danger. Unlike all other dangers I faced in my lifetime, this one scares me because I have no control over it. It takes millions of Americans to prevent this from happening. All I can do is write this, all you can do is become aware of the threat and VOTE.


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