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The Facts 4-25-19

Frank D. Lovell

Let’s start with the Mueller investigation. No President in history has been as transparent as Trump. He gave Mueller 1.4 million documents, waived all executive privileges, allowed everyone to testify including his personal attorney. No President under investigation has ever done this. The result was no collusion with Russia.

Now you want to argue the President wanted to fire Mueller, truth is he has every legal right to do so. However those around him knowing there were no law violations didn’t do it. Try placing yourself in his position, under constant attack including his family and those around him facing allegations that you know are totally false, how would you react? That should be the end of that story.

He has done more for Veterans, prison reform, international trade, the economy and American people than any President I can remember. However the mainstay media refuse to report it. A lot of Americans have no idea what this President has accomplished because they have never been informed. When he says fake media you should really think about that and get the facts for yourself.

Some say he gave breaks to corporations, of course he did. The basic foundation of our economic system is based on business, the better business does the better we all do, it’s a logical concept. This country became great because of its capitalistic system of economics, free market which in essence the people control.

Exactly what have the Democrats done since regaining the House of Representatives? Not one piece of legislation have they submitted which benefits the American people. Nothing, zero, blank, non-existent you are not their concern bottom line. All they are concerned with is doing away with a President who has enacted policies which have adversely effected their money making pit. Simply put they cannot afford to have Trump as President. He refuses to play the game as most others before him, not a team player, not one of them. They just can’t understand that is exactly why he was elected and will be elected again.

Their most troubling concern is the ongoing investigation by the Attorney General, who they are forced to attack and others. Soon it will be revealed to the American people how the Democrats attempted, for the first time in American history to overthrow a President. How they spied on Americans through their leftist controlled intelligence community and FBI.

Now they are hoping if they offer Americans enough “free” stuff they can win their votes. Sad reality people, nothing is free, someone always has to pay for it. Universal healthcare has failed in every country that has tried it; Canadians are coming to America for healthcare. The “Green New Deal” is totally absurd and financially impossible not to mention totally ineffective. America already does more than any other country to protect the environment.

Due to a large number of Blacks, Spanish and other Democrats leaving their party they are in panic mode. As a result they want open borders hoping illegals will vote for them. If you don’t think illegals vote in our elections you really need to do some fact finding research, they do and they have been caught. Democrats face a hard reality. Once the American people see what they have done, their corruption, treasonous activities they are done as a political party. They will forever lose their power over government. Sadly I admit I am not overjoyed with the Republicans who had two years to accomplish great things in America including healthcare, infrastructure and immigration, but some chose to play politics.

However, the Republicans have never attempted to overthrow our government, spied on Americans, offered aid to our enemies and subvert our basic freedoms and liberties. However you feel the bottom line is we have no option left to us, we must vote republican to assure America survives as a free nation. It is the duty of all Americans to investigate the issues, uncover the facts and make an informed decision regarding your vote in December. America is counting on you; all Americans are counting on you.

Frank D. Lovell Republican Executive Committee of Citrus County FL Precinct 202


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