Are you aware of how a country is destroyed from within? The easiest historical example to research is The Roman Empire’s history. Or you could just pay attention to what is happening in America, elements of past Rome are present today in America. For all Rome was it is now just the geographical land mass on a map making up the Boot of Europe, it used to be an Empire, now it’s just history.
Personally, I prefer not to see America heading down that path, but she is. The one element America needs is that element which was lacking in Rome, ThePeople standing up, speaking out against a govt out of control. Those people are growing in America. America will not follow the history of Rome, etc. America is in pursuit of a ‘more perfect union.’
I can’t stop asking myself, why would the Citrus County republican party of Florida vote in favor of the DC Capital Police maintaining a physical presence in the state of Florida?
At the meeting I heard all the facts & reasonings against maintaining that presence, but not once did I hear any reasoning for allowing their presence, a simple reason, anything. That troubles me because there can only be two criteria for such a decision. Either there is a lack of knowledge concerning the sovereign state concept which is dangerous to Freedom, or it is felt the concept of extending the federal govt’s presence in the state is good for Floridians which also endangers our Freedoms & places this entire Constitutional Republic in extreme danger.
The only info I can gather from outside sources is the DC Capital Police are here in Florida as well as CA & NY because of a rise in ‘right-wing activity,’ whatever that means. I submit any threat to Floridians is the sole responsibility of the highly qualified constitutional sheriffs & other Floridian law enforcement we have in every Florida county. The Hillsboro County Republican Party has asked the Governor to remove them & I struggle to find the reason why we wouldn’t support them.
I can’t resist the saying ‘Houston, we have a problem,’ & if it isn’t resolved it will only become more of a problem for every Floridian. Like it or not, there is only one party capable of providing relief to a struggling Republic & that happens to be the Republican party. For all the negativity involving this party, it remains our only hope. So, I ask why is this party conducting business which leads us outside of our Founding concepts?
Most importantly, how should we address this issue & do we first need to establish a clearly understood path which supports our rights of sovereignty & the endurance of this Constitutional Republic, so all members understand our purpose & unify around that to strengthen the party & assure the continuation of our Freedoms? That should be the foundation of every Republican committee in every state nationwide. When was the last time you inquired into what your local Republican party is doing? America needs you to do that.
Don’t think I am not loyal to the mission of the republican party, I am an American first & active in the party, I feel a need to do that, for America.
We passed this resolution in part: “The Republican Party of Florida condemn the unlawful & corrupt prosecution of Donald J Trump, & we demand that all Republicans members of Florida's Congressional Delegation & State Government exercise all legal & procedural means necessary to prevent & impede it.”
I was proud to vote in favor of that. All Floridians need that protection as a sovereign state. It wasn’t about Trump; it was about the federal govt’s attacks on a citizen of Florida. Protecting its citizens is the duty of every state & assuring that is the goal each of us needs to be active somehow. So, I’m not attacking the party, I’m just concerned it can do more to protect its citizens. America needs you to be active in your party.
Frank D. Lovell
American Patriots
Free State of Florida