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They just don’t know?

Frank D. Lovell

A meeting was held of the Republican Executive Committee where members were voting on a resolution preventing the District of Columbia Capital Police from maintaining an office in the state of Florida. Fact, DC police have no authority under federal statute 2 USC 2 1661-1667 to operate outside of DC. Fact, the presence of the DC police office in Florida violates Florida’s sovereignty. Discussion, some members suggested we contact our federal congressman asking for removal, others suggested our Governor had no authority to order removal. The resolution was defeated 40-34.

Problem, these members lacked knowledge of their rights under a sovereign state or of the power of the Governor to enforce & protect those rights. Instead, they suggest pursuing an avenue (federal govt) to resolve an issue it created. Were members misled by others, did they ever ask why are the DC police here in Florida before casting their vote? I don’t have those answers, all I know is they have opened the door to allow federal authorities a presence that conflicts with the authority, duty & responsibility of our county Sheriffs here in Florida. This is a common & frustrating reality: Americans do not understand the basic concepts of Liberty & their rights under this Republic as they engage in the voting process. You can’t be mad at these people, they just don’t understand the structure of the Republic they live in, although it is their duty as citizens to know, allowing them to cast an informed vote in support of it.

The Declaration of Independence holds....."Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it...." "That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States." Floridians never consented to the presence of the DC Capital police on Florida soil.

What is state Sovereignty? The supreme, absolute, & uncontrollable power by which an independent state is governed & from which all specific political powers are derived; the intentional independence of a state, combined with the right & power of regulating its internal affairs without foreign interference. The federal govt is a foreign entity in this matter.

In essence, no govt has the right to intrude upon the sovereign rights of Florida. The installation of federal law enforcement on Florida soil, without permission of ThePeople, is a violation of Article 1 section 8 clause 17 of the Constitution & everything America was founded upon. Under the 10th Amendment of the Constitution, the federal government is barred from interfering with certain rights “reserved” to the individual states & the citizens living there.

Florida Constitution, Section 1 Political Power. "All political power is inherent in the people. The enunciation herein of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or impair others retained by the people."

Even though no reason can justify the DC police presence, no one has brought forth the reasoning for their presence in Florida which is a clear intrusion into the sovereignty of Florida & its citizens. What is left for Floridians to do? (1) demand our Governor order the removal of DC police from Florida (2) Demand the House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy (who has authority over the DC Capital police) order the immediate withdrawal of all DC police from Florida.

If we do not stand up now, we may be prevented from doing so later when we find ourselves under federal control.

Frank D. Lovell

American Patriots

Free State of Florida


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