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Time to Decide

Frank D. Lovell

We are now forced to make a serious decision which will decide the future of America and it must be done soon. We are engaged in social distancing and other processes to combat this virus. Businesses are closed, people out of work, which presents another serious problem. If we continue along this path our economic system will crash, businesses will fail, never to come back and people will become destitute. Our decision is this, do we continue with the national shutdown of business as is and continue our efforts to fight this virus, or do we lift the shutdown as it relates to business and allow people to go back to work? There is no other option and what makes it more difficult is the Democrats refuse to support the latest virus legislation which would help our economic system unless the bill includes pet Democrat projects not related to the present crisis. I don’t believe this is a decision which should be left up to government, instead it should be put to a national popular vote and let Americans decide which option they prefer. This is a decision which affects the future generations of Americans, it would decide the fate of the nation. Simply put do we continue to fight this virus as we are or do, we protect our economic structure and fight the virus with fewer precautions? Continue as we are meaning fewer cases of infection, saving our economic system means taking the chance of increased cases of infection. It’s not an easy decision but we can be assured of one thing, continue as we are meaning the total collapse of our economic system which will change America forever. Because of the Democrats refusal to support the virus bill we cannot rely upon government to take corrective actions to protect the economic system. That option is now forced upon every American, let Congress, state and federal know what it is you want to do in response to this crisis. The time has come for all Americans to be forceful and let their concerns and opinions be known loud and clear. We have run out of time, do it now, do it today, remember this is a government of, for and by the people and the time is upon us to make that reality clearly known. Frank D. Lovell Citrus County President Trump Club

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