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Tipping is a Good Thing

Frank D. Lovell

Is it obvious this govt is attempting to segregate us? I remember when we all fought against segregation & it was a good thing, we were unified in the pursuit of being judged by our character rather than the color of our skin, it was about Freedom & Equality & America became stronger.


Now I see govt’s across the country engaging in activity that segregates people from federal to state govt’s & their infrastructure excluding a certain race of people in America. In Boston MA the Mayor held a party & a certain race of people are excluded, not invited. Personally, I would have been embarrassed by attending. troubling is I don’t see the unified outrage, that ‘how dare you’ voice of America. Where are those people who can put an end to this immoral & criminal activity?


America is being divided & once that happens America will revert to its dark history. That is the blueprint for a crumbling society, the road to tyranny.


History tells us the British attempted to capture General George Washington & why not, that act would have ended the Revolution, you always go for the head of your opposition, totally logical. Americans would have lost their will to continue. However, Washington had ‘spies’ which I call American Patriots who exposed the plan & as we know, Washington continued.


Now for the crazy part of history, it’s happening again but it’s not the British, it’s the govt. Of course, it’s not Washington, it’s Trump, that’s who they want to capture, to nullify yet it goes a step further, it’s YOU they want to nullify as the final goal, but they are forced to go through Trump to accomplish it.


We are at war if you don’t understand that America will suffer. Fortunately, enough do reflecting Trumps lead. People are not picking a political leader, they are picking a Commander in Chief of America but not merely for what he says he will do, Trump has the Trust vote, people trust him to do what he says. And of all he said the top of that mountain was secure the border & deport Illegals & that resonates with the American people as does drill baby drill. We logically have no choice but to support Trump, its what’s best for all Americans.


NH Gov Sununu just said Trump doesn’t care about the country, he is in this to save himself. I would ask to save himself from what? From an out-of-control govt from what I can see. Many have enough sense to realize what govt does to one it can do to many & that threat has arisen that American Spirit of survival. So, when are we going to fix the Insanity of our sovereign border. That is where the govt should be attacking in pursuit of a solution Isn’t that an existential threat?


According to the U.S. Flag Code, flying the American flag upside down is meant "as a signal of “dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property." One only need be aware of the status of our sovereign borders to reach a conclusion of extreme danger to life or property. How many Americans have lost their lives due to interaction with an Illegal or had property destroyed. That is well documented, it’s happening as I write. I only said Americans, there are many more non-Americans who have lost their lives because of border policies. I ask one question, who is going to fix that? I say American Patriots are going to fix that in the most massive Presidential Vote in American history made up of Americans from all different spectrums with the will to protect America, regardless of their politics. These are the true Americans who honor our history.


Tipping is a good thing. To cut it short, restaurant example, you are relaxing & receive a service from someone. That person is working to pay the bills & people working is a great thing for America. So, I don’t mind tipping for the service regardless of what I give I know it stimulates the economy & that helps all of us…..just saying, Merry Christmas.

Frank D. Lovell

American Patriots

Free State of Florida


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