Just exactly what are we doing regarding Venezuela? We and about thirty other countries want to replace a Communist dictator with a Socialist.
Ok, so just how is that going to benefit the Venezuela people? Presently they live under a system where the government has complete control of their lives and we are looking to replace that with a government that has complete control of their lives. Well I get it; presently there are Cuban and Russian troops in Venezuela with China in the background. So we don’t do anything we have a Communist influence in the western hemisphere.
We do something and we have a Socialist government in charge and just how much is that going to cost us in foreign aid? People we are in a no win situation once again. Whenever we have gotten involved in South America we have never prospered, it has always cost us. Basically it is a no win situation, whatever happens the Venezuela people are still starving, that’s just the basic results of Socialism.
While on the home front we have the Democrats conducting hearings and investigations into the Mueller report. The strange part is Attorney General Barr has made available an un-redacted copy of the Mueller report for the Democrats to see, so far not one, not one Democrat has read it. Is it just me who is missing this logic? How can the Democrats possibly challenge something they have never read?
The sad reality is they don’t care what’s in it, they already know their collusion and obstruction arguments are dead, so substance, no evidence. They just want to keep the issue in the media before the American people to create doubt for the upcoming elections. They also know soon evidence from investigations is going to expose their corrupt and treasonous activities and they will lose all validity as a political party.
Now I know there are those who will react to this and deny everything. All I can see is have a little patience, it is all going to be exposed then you can try to twist the facts to say it is all the Presidents fault. Isn’t that really all you care about?
Now we have the power to correct all this, keep this in mind when it comes time to vote and decide what is in your best interest.
Frank D. Lovell, Inverness FL