Here we are again, another shooting, more loss of life. More unanswered questions and more calls to stop the violence.
How did we get to this point in America? Maybe history can give us some insight, it usually does. So just what have we done in advancements as a society? Lets see we have taken God out of our schools. We have taught our children that Capitalism is an evil system of finance, that America is racist and controlled by a few racist white people.
That socialism is a great way of life and government owes you everything. That you can’t succeed in America unless you go to college. That is ok for Antifa to attack people who express their first amendment right and destroying private property is acceptable. If you attack a government facility with weapons you are a hero. Have we seen any arrests of Antifa people?
That it is acceptable for celebrities to hold the severed head of our President or glorify a play of him being murdered, to ponder the possibilities of assassination. For politicians and the media to call him a racist, traitor, a criminal without offering one fact in support. For failing to publicize any achievements made in behalf of the American people. In our history can you recall such actions being conducted against our Presidency? We glorify those who refuse to honor our Flag and attack everything America has accomplished.
You see we have created a Godless generation of youth, one that has no sense of history and respect for the country they grew up in. One incapable of logical communication, reason and debate with others. One, which offers them no motivation to pursue a dream and take part in the American dream because they have been conditioned to believe that dream, is a lie. The Left has created this and we have ignored it, we have let it happen while we idly sit by not wanting to offend anyone, failing to take a stand for our beliefs.
So you see the problem with violence in America is not with guns, it is with the people holding the guns. People lacking reason, hope, ambition and the ability to interact with others. If we take guns away they will find another form of weapon to express the sad state in which they exist.
Frank D. Lovell Citrus County President Trump Club