Alice Broussard asked in her letter to the editor in October just what does MAGA mean? Let me try to explain what “Make America Great Again” means.
First of all, it’s not about a country, it’s about a people. Maybe MAGA means a time when God was in our schools, in our lives. A time when police officers were our neighbors and were respected. A time when schools taught us American history, explained the purpose of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Or a time when as youth our goal was to get a good job and raise a family like our parents had.
How many realize it was America who said no more to slavery? Not just in this country but around the world, yes, we outlawed slavery and the rest of the world followed, but it was America who started it. Yet today there are those who act as if it was America who started slavery, the reality is America ended it.
It was America who first said people were free to worship their God, free to pursue their happiness, free of government intrusion and these freedoms and rights were given to them by God, not man. That is when America was at its greatest and it was because people believed in what America stood for, what it pursued and achieved. America raised the standard of living for millions, it gave them hope and dreams. All across the world it was America that was a beacon of hope and freedom because America and Americans did great things.
You see Alice, we are what makes America great. The time has come for us to reclaim our roots, get back to what we once believed in. America hasn’t changed however, some of her people have. Some has ignored American values, history, achievements, now instead of looking to themselves to better their lives they feel a need to rely on government and history shows us that is a very dangerous thing for us to do. Now some think free stuff is good, while others know free stuff is a trap, a road to enslavement.
Frank D. Lovell Citrus County President Trump Club