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What is the Left doing?

Frank D. Lovell

Where do we start, the actions of the Left are numerous and far reaching and like the Chinese philosophy are intended to produce long term results.

The already have control of Americas educational system, American history is not taught and what is results in a complete distortion of this nations creation. The functions of government and the capitalistic system also fall into this category. The result is a generation, which dislikes American traditions its form of government and the financial structure that made this nation great.

Next on their list was the media, a very powerful tool for the Left to control the thought process of Americans. They no longer report news; they report theories that the Left want the American people to accept. How many times lately have you seen their “news” fall apart? Revealed as lies and distortions and totally made up. The President is a traitor working for the Russians; they pushed this for over two years. The problem they had is their friend Mueller found no evidence to support their stories. That is just one, there are many.

Now we come to intelligence, a very critical aspect of this nation. In the old days the CIA and others worked at the direction of a President duly elected by the people. They may not have agreed all the time but the President was in charge and they did all possible to support him. That changed over twenty years ago when politics entered the CIA. Today employees of the organization do not leave their politics at home; a large majority of them have Leftist views and that is the agenda they support. Basically the Left now controls this all-powerful organization.

The present goal of the Democrats is to keep ongoing attacks against this President and those around him. The purpose is to have media issues, which could create doubts in the American voter for the upcoming elections, they need this it is critical to their success. However they see a very troubling situation developing that has them in panic mode. Their voting base is slowly dwindling; Blacks, Spanish and other long time Democrats are leaving their Party. What they are doing has become obvious and unacceptable to a lot of people.

However, this is just the beginning, a lot of people are leaving because the Democrats simply are not making sense with what they say and do. Yet to come are their attempts to overthrow an elected President. The extents of a conspiracy too not only overturn an election but to topple the very foundations of America as a nation. We are living in an epic historical moment, we are witnessing an attempt to overthrow America and I do not allege this lightly.

A reading of our Founding Fathers writings tell us that Freedom is not merely given. It has to be maintained and at times fought for and this duty lies with its people. The burden is upon every American to assure the liberties and freedoms of this nation are protected and handed down to the next generation. Sadly I say this time has come, we are in very serious trouble make no mistake about that and do not doubt it. That is exactly what the Left is counting on, an overthrow of America, what are your crazy? Never, not here, could never happen, this is America. At their very core that is what they hope for that you have been so conditioned and misled by the media, have become so comfortable with your lives that the thought of losing it all is inconceivable to you.

Soon you will see the Left exposed, you will see the corrupt and treasonous actions of Democrats. They will no longer have a place to hide and you, the American people are on the verge of an enlightenment unknown in American history. There are true American patriots out there constantly working for this to happen. Investigating, uncovering evidence, doing all in their power to reveal the truth. Once that has been established they will move to the next step, indictments and prosecution for crimes against America and its people.

These are very dangerous times, I beg you to doubt everything, investigate, search out the facts, and educate yourself as to the realities around you. Only when you have achieved this are you able to make an intelligent vote, only then will be able to exercise your responsibility and duty to save America.


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