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What Should We Do? 4-20-19

Frank D. Lovell

First is to repel this attempted overthrow of our President and expose the attempt for all Americans to see. Then we must heal America.

Personally I would be for a Federal law that demands all media sources report only factual information. Those who make up stories and tell lies to the American public are criminally liable for misleading our people threatens our Republic. They still have their full 1st amendment rights, as long as they transmit the truth. Does anyone have a problem with this?

Then it’s education time. Today our structures of education are controlled by a leftist ideology. They fail to teach our m our youth true American history, the basic concept of our Republic and the intent of its creation, functions of government in its entirety, and an understanding of our financial system. Today they tell youth Capitalism is evil, an elite money class that is racist and responsible for the enslavement of a Black people controls America. Truth, it was the Democrats who enslaved the Black population, check out the history, if they don’t attend college (which is a money making scam for the left) they will fail in life.

They never promote the trades as a career option. Those youth who entered the trades have secure, good paying jobs with opportunities to open their own business. College youth are living with their parents strangled with educational loan debt and are still seeking that dream job. Don’t get me wrong college can be a good thing for some, but not all.

Once we accomplish this we begin allowing our youth to open their minds. To fully understand their history and the government they live under. Then we once again produce a generation of Americans with a love of country and an appreciation of all it has to offer, its protections and freedoms. Now they are motivated to pursue their lives in a quest for the happiness, which is their God/Founding Fathers given right.

We live in the greatest nation on earth because we produced the greatest people. These days a lot of what we produce is not so great because their growth has been stifled. Like the President says “Make America great Again”. Now we all have a duty to really think of everything that means, then an obligation to do all in our power to assure it happens.

A lot of Patriotic people are doing a lot of good things to save this Republic and I have no doubt the efforts will succeed. Once people see the evidence of evil they will stand up as True Americans.


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