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Who are the Democrats?

Frank D. Lovell

I’ve noticed something which troubles me. The Democrat debates and rallies are all missing the American flag. I see a Trump rally and notice American flags and patriotic music. I listen to what Democrats say, and it becomes clearer. They want to do away with border security, give rights to illegal immigrants, restrict our Second Amendment rights, accept funding from George Soros and do away with our free market health care. The Democratic House has passed numerous bills which will degrade the Constitution and American way of life. I can only hope people are paying attention to the bills the Democrats are passing. The policies they propose, Universal Healthcare and the Green New Deal all tend to give ultimate power to the Federal government, and I wonder if people are aware of this. They are attempting to gain total control of the American economy which leads to total control over our basic rights. Remember the Founders created “God given rights” which means no government can take them away, unless we allow it. When asked what they did they responded we “created a Republic, if you can keep it”. I now wonder if we can. Our youth have been indoctrinated with a leftist view by the educational system, controlled by the left. They have not been taught American history or the concept of a free market system of economics. Instead they have been told Socialism is good and Capitalism is bad when the reality is just the opposite. And here we are sitting by, letting it happen. How many of us have actually inquired into what the educational system is teaching our children? Are you aware of what is happening? Trump was educated by his Father on the dangers of Globalism, a one world government. America has always stood in the way of this succeeding and Trumps actions have caused this to surface, from the Democrat policies to the Deep State we can now see what they want to do to America. Do a search of Globalism and see what it entails. Make no mistake we are at war to maintain the America we grew up in, it’s values, its rights are all at state. People died for America and shame on us if we allow that to be for naught. We have no choice but to vote Republican. Frank D. Lovell Citrus County President Trump Club


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