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Who created America?

Frank D. Lovell

At times I think we Americans tend to forget our roots and take them for granted. So let me remind you older Americans and also most likely for the first time enlighten you younger Americans.

Once upon a time we were “subjects” of the British empire, meaning we did what we were told to do, no vote, no freedom, we worked and paid taxes to the King. So at one point a number of business owners got together with other subjects and said this isn’t fair. We want the right to run our business as we see fit, to have a say where our taxes go, to farm our land and live our lives as we see fit. We want freedom to pick our leaders, to worship our God and to speak our minds. We want government to leave us alone and not tell us what to do.

That is called a revolution, people put their fortunes and lives on the line to fight for freedom against the most powerful King and best trained military on the planet, they attempted the impossible. Guess what, they lost their fortunes and some their lives but after years of suffering and dying they won. Since that time we have fought many wars to keep our freedoms and have always won.

They told us they gave us all these freedoms, but it was up to us to hang on to them. Freedom isn’t free, it is something we have to work hard to keep and because it is so valuable at times we pay the ultimate price. They warned us to beware of a government that becomes too powerful. They gave us the right to speak out against it and even the right to defend ourselves against it. So important was this to them that they made these rights First and Second in our Constitution.

Now we are faced with a group of people from the Left (Democrats) who want to change America. They want the government to have more power over us, something our founders warned us of. They have already failed to overthrow our government something all Americans will be aware of soon. They talk bad about business even though it was business people who created America. They offer you free stuff when they know nothing is “free” but to some it sounds good. Every day they make up stories and tell lies about people on the Right (Republicans) trying to make it seem like they are against America.

I have noticed every time they accuse someone of doing something, if you take the time to investigate, you will find it is them doing those things. Many people have already seen through this, and have left the Democratic Party realizing their only choice is the Republican Party who stand for the values America was founded on and want to make America better, not change it.

Now you have a duty to those Americans of 1776 up to today, to protect what they died for and to maintain what they gave us, Freedoms. Keep this in mind when it comes time to vote.

Frank D. Lovell Inverness, FL.


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